Friday, December 6, 2013

How to kill the snakes in your downline - MLM and Network Marketing FEAR elimination

Guest Blog by David Williams MLM Author Amazon

Studies have shown people are more afraid of public speaking 
than they are of snakes.  Snakes!

It doesn't seem to make sense.

I mean, you don't see someone walking through the desert,
suddenly shouting, ‘Look out! A podium!’

Fear is something that is irrational.  But as irrational as it is, it
takes a rational cure to end it. 

And it’s a fear mentality that stops so much potential in your

But there is a cure. 

Fear not.

Following up on leads is what holds back most of your team. 

There is so much money in their lists, if you could get 100%
of them to take action you would have the best December

Alas, we are dealing with people, and you’ll never get 100%
of your team following up on 100% of their leads. 

However, there is a way to induce them to increase that

It’s pretty simple, so when I tell you, don’t discount it
because it is simple. 

Simple can be good, but it can also be bad, because in its
simplicity good things are often over looked.

Beyond all the excuses your downline may have about not
prospecting or calling or following up on their leads,
beyond every reason, justification, pretext, plea or story
they can come up with, there is really one simple thing that
is holding them back.  And there is a simple cure that works
once you burn it into their heads.

Their key reason is the NO fear. 

Now stay with me, I have a practical answer!

They fear they are bugging people, bothering people,
their leads are ‘no good’, or people just don’t want to
hear from them in December, (or any time!), the fear
is ‘getting no’s’.

So, how do you change that into a ‘NO FEAR’ mentality?

This is the answer.  And you must repeat it and drill it
in to your downline until they have it in their subconscious.

Here is the major point you need to make your team

Remember your prospect put up their hand, first!

They answered an ad.
They filled out a form.
They made a call.
They responded to a flyer.

That’s right, your prospect made the first move.

They 'raised' their hand'!

They said they were interested.

If you were a car salesperson, it would mean they
walked on to the lot.  No one is ‘just looking’ at cars.
If you are ‘just looking’ you would walk around a parking
garage to look at cars.  If you are just ‘researching’
you would just use the Internet.  No, those are

That means you follow up with them until they say no.

If they turn out to be the ‘wishy-washy’ kind, you put
them in your drip list and let automation take over.

But if they are ‘live ones’ you keep on them, the right
way, until they make a decision.

You are not ‘bugging’ them.

You are not ‘bothering’ them.

You are FOLLOWING up, get it, following! 

Following their move.

They made the first move.

It’s your job to respond and follow until they say Yes or No.

Once this gets burned into your subconscious, and
you realize you are doing the RIGHT thing by following
up on your prospects, you never have a hard time
picking up the phone again.

Ok, this is the part where I pay the bills. 

If you are having some challenges with prospecting,
try post cards, direct mail.  It works for two reasons,
one, it finds you new leads, and two, your prospect
want to use this same method because they see that
post cards worked on them.  It’s duplicable, highly
effective, simple and inexpensive. 

FYI: I don’t recommend those printed crappy looking
cards, I have a secret sauce a way of making ‘personalized’
mass marketing with post cards, and I reveal all in my book,
How to Prospect and Recruit using Postcards for your
MLM or Network Marketing Business The Low cost
Prospecting and Recruiting Tool that Out Performs
Online Methods. 

If you need a new lead source, buy this book today. 

If you are not on my list, and don't want to miss any other
training letters, sign up below and collect five free power pulling
generic MLM autoresponder email messages for your recruiting or
drip list.


David Williams MLM Author Amazon and snake charmer

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