Sunday, December 15, 2013

How to make December your best MLM or Network Marketing Month - its not what you think!

Guest Blog by David Williams MLM Author Amazon

December – it’s not what you think

Lots of us with busy networking businesses have a love/hate feeling about the Christmas season.  For the sake of ease I’m just going to call it Christmas – no matter what your beliefs are, Christmas is one of those periods that find the majority of us, and our prospects, thinking about family and not looking for new opportunities.

Having said that, I know many of your upline (and perhaps you too?) will be pulling out that old chestnut ‘December can be your best month’, ‘Christmas is a perfect time to prospect your warm market,’ etc. etc.
I know, I was one of those too.   And I do think you should work hard in the first 50% to 60% of the month, because you have had people in the pipeline for the last 6 weeks.  They need to be closed before you get too close to the time they will hit you with the Christmas excuse, and tell you ‘let’s get together in the new year’.

So, what do you do in December if you are a professional networker?

1)      Send physical (snail mail) cards to your key leaders/team members, send ecards to the rest, (this means you need snail mail address for your key leaders)
2)      Start closing all business early, imagine there are no more days from the 20th to the 3rd.  If that were true, you would be a dynamo, recruiting and signing up a storm!  Don’t let those in the pipeline go down the drain.
3)      Make sure you are not ‘buying leads’ or running ads or paying for anything that won’t pull during the holiday season, 20th to the 3rd, but be sure everything is in place to hit people right after. 
4)      Inventory and Planning – This is the most important item on your list for the holidays – miss this and you miss out on the big money


Look, most of us are too busy running our businesses and making money all year long to figure out what we should be doing. But the chance to spend a few days off with our families, and taking personal time is golden.  It gives you time to think and plan.

2014 is coming up.  How do you make that your best year yet?

Simple: Work backwards.

(I was always good at that!)

Decide on your networking financial goal for the end of 2014.

Let’s say, for the sake of argument, you want 10K a month, (if you want more, just adjust the math).  10K a month is good key stepping stone goal, if you are making more, you’ll know that this is the training your team needs, and you understand why I use this figure.

$10,000 per month – Goal.

In your plan, your compensation plan, there will be a sweet spot that on average will provide someone with 10K per month income when they obtain that position.

You need to know what this position is, and chances are you know it.  

For the purposes of this brief email, let’s say, perhaps you need, on average, 3 frontline people, who have 3 each, etc.  I don’t know.  You could be in a binary and have one weak side.  This part you can find out from a knowledgeable upline quickly.  You don’t need to hear a bunch of motivational speeches to get to 10K, you need to know what the real numbers are so you can work out what to do for you to reach that goal, and then add 10% more, or a bit more, depending on your comp plan.  This additional 10% will help you with errors, or, provide you with a little back up in case someone is a dud.

Once you know your needs, we can move forward.

Let’s say in your plan you need 4 frontline ‘Direct Golden Rubies’ (whatever your company calls these positions – sometimes they are downright cheesy), doing an average of 5K per month.

Remember this is just my example, yours will sound very different, but the principles are all the same.
So you need 4 Direct Golden Rubies.

Inventory time.

How many do you have?

Write down their names.

How many potentials do you have?  I.E. who should hit that position in your team?

Write down their names.

Look, if you are new, and all of these answers are for you ‘zero’ don’t be disheartened, you are just new.  This will still help.

So, how many more do you need?

Let’s say you only have 1.

Next, you need to know, based on your own recruiting and prospecting success rates:

How many people did you need to sign up to get one, on average to reach the position of Direct Golden Ruby? 

You may not have personally sponsored that person, but, if you look back, and you find you sponsored about 10 people and you have produced 1 Direct Golden Ruby, you know you need to sponsor about 30 more (plus 10% for error) to get your 3 more Direct Golden Rubies.

Some plans work different, you need to sponsor many more, or some only 3.  It’s up to the plan.
If you are a leader, (and by that I mean you are on my list), you need to know these cold hard numbers.
Personally, I find them not cold or hard indeed.

I find knowing what numbers I have to hit to be exciting, and motivating.
Having a goal makes it simple, so it’s ‘recruit, sponsor and train 30 people in 2014’.

Wow, you now have a realistic goal to 10K a month.

Next step is how to do that.

This is the subject of my next post here.

For now, you just need to figure out your goal and close all the business in your pipeline.
Have a great December and see you all at 10K or more for 2014!

David Williams MLM Author Amazon.

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