Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I can point you out a sources of MLM or Networking Marketing leads that you at your finger tips - NO WARM MARKET!

Guest Post by David Williams

Another source of leads that you have not thought about before and how
to use them   

Just today I was on linkedin, (and FYI linkedin is not the source for these leads).
I’m rather new using it, my only experience prior was creating profiles for
companies and top leaders. 

I have a friend who is earning north of 10K per month very casually
recruiting on linkedin by just dropping in to groups and adding value. 

Nothing else. 

No ads, no tacky self-promotion, just adding value to various discussions. 
Anyway, here I was saying hello to someone new, and I wrote something
about a drip list. 

I made the cardinal sin of using jargon and expecting everyone to know what
it means. 

This fellow whom I was commenting to, came back saying he did not know
what a drip list was.

First, let me say that it’s always better to ask – there is no such thing as
a dumb question. 

Someone who asks questions will go to the top, that’s a success trait.
Let me share a bit of my response, slightly edited, and then let me tell you
a secret source of leads for your drip list.

A drip list...

The idea is that you drip on people. 

Like a tap dripping water.

Eventually if you hear a dripping tap you will get up and pay it some attention.

Here’s how it goes.

Over time you collect leads/prospects who don't say NO but who don't say YES.
So you have them on a list, usually an email address list, but sometimes
you get real addresses. 
For now, let’s just talk about email address.

Each week, (or more often) you send this list, (your drip list) an email message.

It’s not hard, pretty easy on your part, you just keep sending until they join
or unsubscribe.

I have seen people sign up 6 months later, even a year later, because
someone just kept dripping on them.

One of my old team members, Marty, wrote me:

“I did what you taught, and kept all of my leads, even the crappy leads
that you told me not to buy. 

I decided to send out those email messages that you wrote for us, not
expecting much. 

I think I might have been the only one who did it. However, within two weeks,
I had a sign up. 

That was after 3 emails sent.  But what was really interesting was the
fact that I have had people join up after getting them 6 months and
even 1 year later. 

Now I have a new system: I try and close those in the loop,
but move the rest to my drip list and wait for them to call me. 

I have edited some of your messages, here and there, and by now figured
out how to write more myself. 

I think I have the hang of it, and my team uses both yours and those
in your new book. 

After reading 70 of yours it was a lot easier to know how to write them. 

One guy even told me he would join if I let him use ‘my’ emails. 
I had to tell him they were not even mine!  He’s been in MLM for
a long time and said he never had seen such a good campaign. 

Thanks again”

(Thank you Marty for sharing this)

You get the point, the key is you will find people join up
months later, if just keep dripping on them. 

You don’t know their situation – they may love their upline now,
but not so much 4 months from now. 

They may love their products now, but not so much later. 
Anything can change. 

The trick is for you to be the one constant in their life, with
great communication.

So, you can be constant, but you need great communication.

Ok, so let me tell you about my unexpected lead discovery,
and how you can do the same to find a big glut of leads for
your drip list.

I got the idea as I read an old success book.

I wish I could remember the name of the book, but it escapes

In it was a story about a young man who joins an insurance
agency to sell.

He’s new, excited, and on his first day at the office shows up
all eager to start.

He’s greeted by all the old hands, the old sales guys, smoking
cigars and up to their necks in cynicism. 

“What do I do?  How do I start? He asks.

One of the old timers, laughing to himself, points to the aging
filing cabinet in the corner, covered with dust.

“Call all those old clients and old leads, and ask each one if they’re
now ready to purchase insurance”

The rest of the room laughed under their breath, but the young
man only hears the idea and not the laughter, and rolls up his
sleeves happy to have a plan.

By the end of the month he’s sold more policies than all of the

At the sales meeting none of the old timers believes that he got
his leads from those old files.

But the fact is that while at one time those leads were not ready
for insurance, times and circumstances have changed for them. 

Most were still ‘no’s’ but enough were yes’s that he got top spot
for that year.

I got to thinking about this. 

I know I was dripping on my leads, but where could I get more?

Then I thought of all of those people that come and go in our

I called some of my dead downline and asked if I could have their
old purchased leads, (which meant them giving me access to
their back office).

Some said yes, some said yes if I placed anyone who joined
under them, some said yes for a fee, which I agreed if I was able
to sponsor anyone from their list.

Some said no, and decided to get active again!

So I added my emails to their back office and started my drip

Sure enough, with all of those leads, I got sign ups.

It got really good.

Now, I have now taught companies or top leaders to do this with
all of those leads that are wasted in the ‘backoffice’ of people that
move on, but typically no one does anything, or, what they send
is just the usual company written communication, i.e. really just

Virtually all emails that come from corporate are written by kids
without any experience – I’ve seen it with my own eyes. 
So, if you have dead downlines, you need to find a way to access
their old leads, email address I’m referring to here.
Make a deal, ask, trade products, but get access and start dripping.

The key is to drip.

Second key is what to say.

You need to send WIIFM – What’s In It For Me messages – not
about YOU, your company, its history, how long it’s been around,
if it’s in the DSA, or its latest corporate VP’s donation to starving

Second, these messages need to be fun, interesting, captivating,
informative and persuasive.

If you can’t do this buy both of my books – you will have 70 email
messages that way and by using them you will figure out how to
write your own. 

Both of them together will set you back less than 20 bucks.
I am not a copywriter by trade, I’m a networker – but I always think
as if I am in my prospects head. 

You are never going to be perfect at it, but you can get good.
What keeps them awake at night?

Why did they leave their last company?

These are the types of messages you will find in my emails.

I can tell you they work and you can use them. 

If you don’t have a drip list, (and I can’t believe you don’t), you need
to start one now.  Today.

Don’t waste all those leads, and don’t waste your leads with company
produced emails.
MLM Autoresponder Messages and Network Marketing
Email Messages:
Financial Woes Pack

MLM Autoresponder Messages and Network Marketing Email
Wellness Nutritional Pack

Very best,


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Why testimonials can kill our best people... crazy true story...for MLM and Network Marketing pro's only!

Guest Post by David Williams

“Whatever happened to that guy who was on the stage last month?”   

“You know, the one who hit Gold in only 6 weeks and made $21,000?”

Let me tell you this story.

This was early in my networking career.  I think about my 8th month.

I was new but acted with the confidence of the young.

Once again, it was a 4 hour drive to another regional training, and I
had taken about 8 people via two cars to attend, and there was lots
 of snow.

I think we only had two prospects, the rest of us were distributors.
We got up pretty early, since these things start at 9AM, and if you
want a good seat, you have to be there well before.

We were pretty excited and full of coffee – and to be honest, really
happy to be there. 

We took pride to attend every major meeting within driving distance.
And it paid off.

But back to my story.

We got in, found good seats up near the front, and I had all 8 of us
together.  Did the intro thing with my prospects so they met all the
key ‘players’.

The training got off with a mini-BOM – Business Opportunity Meeting
and that lead to the testimonials.

Now as you know, regional trainings or events can lead to some
pretty good testimonials, better than the normal ones we hear at
the local meetings.

But all of a sudden, this guy is up there and sharing how he got to
the – I’ll call it the ‘GOLD’ level – you can fill in the name for your
company – usually 2nd or 3rd from the top, in his first month. 

Let’s just say something that seemed impossible for those of us who
had been in for a while. 

And this guy was here in this town, breaking records in his first month! 
Earned 21k and the crowd is cheering like mad!

I can’t remember any more of the training, but I did remember the
trip home. 

4 hours.

My prospects were in the other car for the drive, so we distributors
could speak freely.

All we could think about was that one person achieved in 4 weeks
what I had done in 8 months.  And I worked bloody hard!

As we drove back, all we did was reconsider all of our moves, plans,
goals, lead generation methods etc. thinking perhaps that what we
were doing was ‘all wrong’ and that clearly someone else has the
‘secret formula’ that is just not being shared with us.

We were comparing our success with this guy, and coming up short!
My upline, who was pretty experienced, had not come, so we did
all the thinking on our own.

I wished I knew what I knew now.

“What were we doing wrong?”

You know, it’s very easy to fall into this trap.

Often it’s hard to control this feeling in your team – especially when
one of those wacky stories prances across the stage.

Some leaders love this – they use these stories to ‘motivate’ their
team – “If he can do it, so can you!”


Is that how you would motivate your child?

“Come on Timmy, you know that Robert down the street is getting
‘A’s – it’s the same school, the same books, the same teacher – the
only difference is you Timmy, (you’re a loser!)”

Now, I added the loser part because that is the unspoken end to
that ‘motivating sentence’.

But it’s really old school motivation. 

Dinosaur motivation.

It’s not how to motivate your child, and it’s not how to motivate a
spouse either.

“Look at her honey, wow, if you ate a lot less you might look half
as good her. WOW, what a knock out!”

Right.  That will work.

So why is it still used in networking?

Testimonials (now called social proof) are good to show that products
work and that people make money.

But they should not be used as whips or comparisons for everyone
to match.

First, everyone has to pay their price for success in MLM or networking.

Some people just paid that price in a prior MLM.

So it seems as if their story is magic, but you don’t realize that they
brought over a team, planned out their first month’s story, lined up
all their ducks in a row, and executed that plan with a lot of help
from their upline.

I’ve nothing against that – I would do the same if I was to join up
and start over – but I would NOT use my story as an ‘I did it so
you are nothing if you can’t either’ tool.

Often what happens is people go home and give up.

They see that if someone can go from zero to hero in a month, and
they are still at zero after 6 months, of course they will quit.

Perhaps they were a great retailer, someone who was always on
the calls, or at the meetings with a great retail story or product
testimonial, but now they are gone.

Gone because someone told them that they need to compare their
success with someone else’s.

Yet they were really moving product, earning a good retail income,
(from their point of view), and were happy meeting their own

Now they feel as if they are losers – because a rare story is being
held up as what is considered good.

That is stinkin thinkin.

Sure we compete, but we compete with ourselves.

We should be competing with our own record.

Do more each day – more than we did the day before, not more
than the other guy.

What to know how that story ended, the guy with the amazing
first month?

Very quietly, eight months later, all the product was returned.
I never heard the real story behind it, but it was some kind of attempt
to game the system.

Not important.

But the key lesson I learned was to NOT compare myself to others
but to compare myself to my own record.

The second key lesson I learned – over time – was that these fast
start stories usually were from folks who had been in networking

They worked hard in the past, and now were reaping it in a new

That’s ok, but understand its not magic dust that they have – it’s
just that they did not give up on themselves – they just joined your
company, and that’s saying something good about where you are!

So motivate yourself and your team to beat their own records, to
better themselves based on themselves, and to do so will make
them better at what they do and keep them on track.

If you have not yet replied and told me what company you are in,
pls do, and tell me your home city.

If I can help please email me.

If my books can help you find new prospects, invest in them.
Learning pays off so well!



Now, if you are wondering where to find people to talk
to, try reading a few of my books, and you’ll find you
never need to buy another lead again.

MLM and Network Marketing professionals guide to Recruiting Wellness
and Holistic Practitioners for 2014


How to Prospect and Recruit using Postcards for your MLM or Network
Marketing Business The Low cost Prospecting and Recruiting Tool that
Out Performs Online Methods


How to Recruit Doctors into your MLM or Network Marketing team by
showing them a NO Warm Market System


MLM Autoresponder Messages and Network Marketing Email Messages:
Financial Woes Pack


MLM Autoresponder Messages and Network Marketing Email Messages:
Wellness Nutritional Pack
