Sunday, December 29, 2013

Guest Post by David Williams MLM Author Amazon

If tomatoes are technically a fruit, is ketchup technically a smoothie?

The New Year is starting in a few days. 2014 is here and this a very fertile time in our industry.    

Use these months wisely and do everything you can to capitalize on it.   

Your task:

This is a very critical time now to get busy and get yourself all set up for these coming power months. Use your time wisely and start your activity right away, so as soon as New Year’s Day is over you are in motion.


By creating momentum.

Create momentum starting immediately…, not tomorrow and don’t stop – focus on the next big major event hosted by your company – hopefully in about 90 days’ time.

Your hard work and heavy prospecting will pay off by the end of that 90 day window…

Remember… this business has a cumulative effect, it is like compounding interest…

What you do today will pay you in a week, what you do this month may pay you in 60 days, what you do this next two months could pay you mega income in the last half of ’14.

Ok, enough math.

Oh, on that note…

It’s sad America ranks 25th in the world in math.

But at least we're still in the top 10.

Ok, back to Next Year.

Remember, some people fall in love at first sight, but most folks take time and you have to keep touching base with your prospects over and over.

Dripping on them.

Remember, each new person on your team could be your $10,000 per month leg.

Now, it’s the beginning of the year, what have we done over the last few days?

If you are like me, you have been planning and goal setting what the rest of the world calls it ‘resolutions”.

If part of your goal setting included new lead sources, let me suggest following the plan in my book:

How to Recruit Doctors into your MLM or Network Marketing team by showing them a NO Warm Market System

Now that book works if you are in a Wellness or Nutritional MLM. 

If you want a different Lead system that is quickly duplicable by those who respond to it, my Postcard system is dynamite. 

I used it in the US, I used it in Canada, in France, and other parts of Europe.

It works fast, it’s simple, and it’s cheap.


If better following up is one of your new goals, you can’t find better drip messages then my MLM autoresponder messages.  There are two sets you can use, one is about money, and the other is for those in a wellness or nutritional program.  If you are in the latter, you can use both. 

Let me tell you, these autoresponder messages will have your phone ringing. 

MLM Autoresponder Messages and Network Marketing Email Messages: Financial Woes Pack


MLM Autoresponder Messages and Network Marketing Email Messages: Wellness Nutritional Pack

If you think you can do it alone, think again.

This is a business of leverage.

My books are not fluff training. 

They are specific trainings to bring you more leads or to close those you have.

They were all taught on ‘insider’s seminars’ costing over $10,000 per event.

These are not mindset trainings.

I’m guessing you don’t need another attitude adjustment. 

You just need specifics. 

These books are your leverage.

Make 2014 your best year ever and leverage yourself with my knowhow.


David Williams MLM Author Amazon
My Books:

If you are not a subscriber and don’t want to miss any other training letters, collect five free powerful pulling generic MLM autoresponder email messages for your recruiting or drip list by subscribing below:

PS – do a good turn for your team and for yourself right now: forward this email to them.  These generic training letters will help you support your team.  Thank you. 

Sneak Peek:

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Nelson Mandela and his role in Network Marketing

Guest Post by David Williams MLM Author Amazon

Nelson Mandela and MLM.

What is the real story?

Well, we have a house guest here for the last few weeks.  This is person is a TV News/CNN addict.

As a result, I could hear Nelson Mandela’s funeral over the last couple of weeks on the all-news station over and over. 

As I was watching some of the funeral on TV, a commercial break came on for A&W.

According to the ad, unsuspecting A&W burger munchers found out that only good quality meat was used in the Teen Burgers they were devouring.

Good to know.

The fact that they were tearing into these burgers BEFORE knowing how wholesome they were really makes me wonder if fast-food devotees really even care, but that’s just me.

Nelson Mandela’s funeral and tribute brought to you by A&W burgers.

Burger ingredients. 

Right there in our living room as the tears were rolling for Nelson on the TV.

So here was A&W profiting off of the life/death of Nelson Mandela.

OK, it’s not like they were flame broiling them over the Mandela funeral pyre, but still, you can smell ‘em.

And they were selling more burgers because he died.

It’s a fact.

More people were glued to the tube, more of them saw the A&W commercial, and as a result, will no doubt visit their local burger emporium for a Mama Cass burger.

Again you ask, what does this have to do with Network Marketing?

Well, things happen.

Like deaths.

Good marketers notice these things - and they find a way to make use of them.

We don’t have the advertising budget of A&W, but, we can be smart.

Keywords work too. 

They are the backbone of the Internet.

Let’s say you are creating youtube videos, or blogs, to build your brand and to increase your Internet presence.

You can write a blog or create youtube video using keywords like Mandela’s Death, Mandela’s Leadership, etc, etc, and you can speak about his leadership. 

‘The Leadership Methods of Nelson Mandela.’

Nelson Mandela -you can easily find some good quotations of his that apply to leadership or building your business. 

‘Everything I needed to learn about Network Marketing I learned from Nelson Mandela.’

Now, since this is an email, it’s not something that will get picked up on Google, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use it for a blog post or a youtube video.

You can take any controversial or trending subject – i.e. something that is being googled by the world – and find an angle to make a comment – as long as you can bring it around to network marketing.

If someone has done something good, it’s pretty easy.

Really, what you’re doing is using keywords and your imagination and creativity to drive traffic to your youtube or blog account.

Now look, this is not targeted traffic, so, most viewers or readers won’t hit your link for your business opportunity. 

But some will.

But more than that, your traffic goes up. 

The next time you have a prospect look up your account, they see lots of hits.

Think about it.

A&W would have had less viewers if the news had been just the regular fare.  And the viewers watching about Nelson were emotionally connected to the story. 

Bottom line is this.

In this age of what I have termed ‘Modern MLM’ you need to be creative and fast.

Once you scan the news for breaking stories that have legs, (meaning they’ll go somewhere), write up a blog or create a youtube video. 

I’m suggesting you do this once a week.  Unless you are outsourcing it, where you could get it done as much as you want.

Next issue I’ll cover those practical lead generating ideas I wanted to based on my last email.

Get your team thinking, pass them this message and watch your downline get some traffic.

Have a great December and see you all at 10K or more for 2014!
David Williams MLM Author Amazon.

My Books:

If you are not a subscriber and don’t want to miss any other training letters, collect five free powerful pulling generic MLM autoresponder email messages for your recruiting or drip list by subscribing below:

PS – do a good turn for your team and for yourself right now: forward this post to them. These generic training letters will help you support your team. Thank you.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

How to make December your best MLM or Network Marketing Month - its not what you think!

Guest Blog by David Williams MLM Author Amazon

December – it’s not what you think

Lots of us with busy networking businesses have a love/hate feeling about the Christmas season.  For the sake of ease I’m just going to call it Christmas – no matter what your beliefs are, Christmas is one of those periods that find the majority of us, and our prospects, thinking about family and not looking for new opportunities.

Having said that, I know many of your upline (and perhaps you too?) will be pulling out that old chestnut ‘December can be your best month’, ‘Christmas is a perfect time to prospect your warm market,’ etc. etc.
I know, I was one of those too.   And I do think you should work hard in the first 50% to 60% of the month, because you have had people in the pipeline for the last 6 weeks.  They need to be closed before you get too close to the time they will hit you with the Christmas excuse, and tell you ‘let’s get together in the new year’.

So, what do you do in December if you are a professional networker?

1)      Send physical (snail mail) cards to your key leaders/team members, send ecards to the rest, (this means you need snail mail address for your key leaders)
2)      Start closing all business early, imagine there are no more days from the 20th to the 3rd.  If that were true, you would be a dynamo, recruiting and signing up a storm!  Don’t let those in the pipeline go down the drain.
3)      Make sure you are not ‘buying leads’ or running ads or paying for anything that won’t pull during the holiday season, 20th to the 3rd, but be sure everything is in place to hit people right after. 
4)      Inventory and Planning – This is the most important item on your list for the holidays – miss this and you miss out on the big money


Look, most of us are too busy running our businesses and making money all year long to figure out what we should be doing. But the chance to spend a few days off with our families, and taking personal time is golden.  It gives you time to think and plan.

2014 is coming up.  How do you make that your best year yet?

Simple: Work backwards.

(I was always good at that!)

Decide on your networking financial goal for the end of 2014.

Let’s say, for the sake of argument, you want 10K a month, (if you want more, just adjust the math).  10K a month is good key stepping stone goal, if you are making more, you’ll know that this is the training your team needs, and you understand why I use this figure.

$10,000 per month – Goal.

In your plan, your compensation plan, there will be a sweet spot that on average will provide someone with 10K per month income when they obtain that position.

You need to know what this position is, and chances are you know it.  

For the purposes of this brief email, let’s say, perhaps you need, on average, 3 frontline people, who have 3 each, etc.  I don’t know.  You could be in a binary and have one weak side.  This part you can find out from a knowledgeable upline quickly.  You don’t need to hear a bunch of motivational speeches to get to 10K, you need to know what the real numbers are so you can work out what to do for you to reach that goal, and then add 10% more, or a bit more, depending on your comp plan.  This additional 10% will help you with errors, or, provide you with a little back up in case someone is a dud.

Once you know your needs, we can move forward.

Let’s say in your plan you need 4 frontline ‘Direct Golden Rubies’ (whatever your company calls these positions – sometimes they are downright cheesy), doing an average of 5K per month.

Remember this is just my example, yours will sound very different, but the principles are all the same.
So you need 4 Direct Golden Rubies.

Inventory time.

How many do you have?

Write down their names.

How many potentials do you have?  I.E. who should hit that position in your team?

Write down their names.

Look, if you are new, and all of these answers are for you ‘zero’ don’t be disheartened, you are just new.  This will still help.

So, how many more do you need?

Let’s say you only have 1.

Next, you need to know, based on your own recruiting and prospecting success rates:

How many people did you need to sign up to get one, on average to reach the position of Direct Golden Ruby? 

You may not have personally sponsored that person, but, if you look back, and you find you sponsored about 10 people and you have produced 1 Direct Golden Ruby, you know you need to sponsor about 30 more (plus 10% for error) to get your 3 more Direct Golden Rubies.

Some plans work different, you need to sponsor many more, or some only 3.  It’s up to the plan.
If you are a leader, (and by that I mean you are on my list), you need to know these cold hard numbers.
Personally, I find them not cold or hard indeed.

I find knowing what numbers I have to hit to be exciting, and motivating.
Having a goal makes it simple, so it’s ‘recruit, sponsor and train 30 people in 2014’.

Wow, you now have a realistic goal to 10K a month.

Next step is how to do that.

This is the subject of my next post here.

For now, you just need to figure out your goal and close all the business in your pipeline.
Have a great December and see you all at 10K or more for 2014!

David Williams MLM Author Amazon.

My Books:

If you are not a subscriber and don’t want to miss any other training letters, collect five free powerful pulling generic MLM autoresponder email messages for your recruiting or drip list by subscribing below:

PS – do a good turn for your team and for yourself right now: forward this link to them.  These generic training letters will help you support your team.  Thank you.  

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

MLM and Network Marketing Leadership and Leverage - Are you a Leader or a Lever?

Guest Post by David Williams MLM Author Amazon

The leverage of leadership.

You hear a lot about leverage in MLM and networking, but many people miss one of the most important parts about it.

Sure when you sponsor someone you can earn money from that new person if they get out and work. That is leveraging time.

That leverage is cool.

It is good.

It is powerful and what I believe in.

It is one of the fundamental reasons why you can make such a good living in networking.

But the leverage I am talking about is much more than just sponsoring.

It’s when you decide to take the leadership role for your own position, to fire your upline and empower yourself, it is then that you create real leverage.

Because now YOU begin to activate the lever.

To push down and reap the benefit.

If you are not the leader, you are the lever.

It’s better to use a lever than to be one!

So, when do you do it? Make that move?

When do fire your upline?

Do not wait for anyone to give you a nod for you to act as a leader.

That is not leadership! You give yourself the nod!

In fact, there are a great many egos are in MLM, and some of them might be in your upline. Some of them don’t like to see their downline bust out.

Forget them.

Forgive them their egos.

You must dismiss them from your mind. Forget those who are upline and focus on YOUR team. Show them by leading by example, and encouraging them to follow you by THEM starting their own teams, when they are ready.

There are no limits how soon, or how much money you are making, to be a leader.

You step up and just start doing it. Networking is a perfect platform for anyone who has any leadership fiber in himself or herself.

If you are reading this and don’t think this is you, you are right.

If you are reading this, and think it could be you, you are right.


People are desperately looking for leaders and you are the one.

I’ve decided: if you are on my mailing list, you are a leader.

I don’t want to write for followers, I want to write for leaders.

There are no shortages in the world, except for leadership.

There is not competition between products, nations, ideas or concepts, there is only a competition between leadership.

In networking, leaders make a great deal of money. A lot of it.

So, stand in front of the mirror and take a hard look in the eyes of a leader.

To you, the leader of your team, who perhaps today made that decision, I salute you.

Today you are a leader.


Practical training:

Each of you have ‘old leads’, or even email addresses of prospects that you have not been able to reach. Even when I had a ‘no’, I’d ask people, ‘Hey, I enjoyed talking to you, would you like me to keep in touch and if things change for you, you can let me know?’

Nearly everyone says yes. All of these contacts become your drip list.

So, what do you drip on people?

Emails; good smart interesting fun emails that have a strong call to action.

If you don’t have the time to write these, you’re in luck. I have two sets of 30 email prospecting messages or templates that really pull.

You could pay hundreds of dollars for copywriting to get these made for you, or just use mine.

One set is called the Financial Woes pack, which, you guessed it, focus on YOU being an answer to your prospects financial woes. The other 30 are focused on those interested in ‘Wellness’ companies. Both can be used for any wellness MLM.

They really, really pull. They will get your phone ringing.


MLM Autoresponder Messages and Network Marketing Email Messages: Financial Woes Pack

MLM Autoresponder Messages and Network Marketing Email Messages: Wellness Nutritional pack

If you are not a subscriber and don’t want to miss any other training letters, collect five free powerful pulling generic MLM autoresponder email messages for your recruiting or drip list by subscribing below:

Friday, December 6, 2013

How to kill the snakes in your downline - MLM and Network Marketing FEAR elimination

Guest Blog by David Williams MLM Author Amazon

Studies have shown people are more afraid of public speaking 
than they are of snakes.  Snakes!

It doesn't seem to make sense.

I mean, you don't see someone walking through the desert,
suddenly shouting, ‘Look out! A podium!’

Fear is something that is irrational.  But as irrational as it is, it
takes a rational cure to end it. 

And it’s a fear mentality that stops so much potential in your

But there is a cure. 

Fear not.

Following up on leads is what holds back most of your team. 

There is so much money in their lists, if you could get 100%
of them to take action you would have the best December

Alas, we are dealing with people, and you’ll never get 100%
of your team following up on 100% of their leads. 

However, there is a way to induce them to increase that

It’s pretty simple, so when I tell you, don’t discount it
because it is simple. 

Simple can be good, but it can also be bad, because in its
simplicity good things are often over looked.

Beyond all the excuses your downline may have about not
prospecting or calling or following up on their leads,
beyond every reason, justification, pretext, plea or story
they can come up with, there is really one simple thing that
is holding them back.  And there is a simple cure that works
once you burn it into their heads.

Their key reason is the NO fear. 

Now stay with me, I have a practical answer!

They fear they are bugging people, bothering people,
their leads are ‘no good’, or people just don’t want to
hear from them in December, (or any time!), the fear
is ‘getting no’s’.

So, how do you change that into a ‘NO FEAR’ mentality?

This is the answer.  And you must repeat it and drill it
in to your downline until they have it in their subconscious.

Here is the major point you need to make your team

Remember your prospect put up their hand, first!

They answered an ad.
They filled out a form.
They made a call.
They responded to a flyer.

That’s right, your prospect made the first move.

They 'raised' their hand'!

They said they were interested.

If you were a car salesperson, it would mean they
walked on to the lot.  No one is ‘just looking’ at cars.
If you are ‘just looking’ you would walk around a parking
garage to look at cars.  If you are just ‘researching’
you would just use the Internet.  No, those are

That means you follow up with them until they say no.

If they turn out to be the ‘wishy-washy’ kind, you put
them in your drip list and let automation take over.

But if they are ‘live ones’ you keep on them, the right
way, until they make a decision.

You are not ‘bugging’ them.

You are not ‘bothering’ them.

You are FOLLOWING up, get it, following! 

Following their move.

They made the first move.

It’s your job to respond and follow until they say Yes or No.

Once this gets burned into your subconscious, and
you realize you are doing the RIGHT thing by following
up on your prospects, you never have a hard time
picking up the phone again.

Ok, this is the part where I pay the bills. 

If you are having some challenges with prospecting,
try post cards, direct mail.  It works for two reasons,
one, it finds you new leads, and two, your prospect
want to use this same method because they see that
post cards worked on them.  It’s duplicable, highly
effective, simple and inexpensive. 

FYI: I don’t recommend those printed crappy looking
cards, I have a secret sauce a way of making ‘personalized’
mass marketing with post cards, and I reveal all in my book,
How to Prospect and Recruit using Postcards for your
MLM or Network Marketing Business The Low cost
Prospecting and Recruiting Tool that Out Performs
Online Methods. 

If you need a new lead source, buy this book today. 

If you are not on my list, and don't want to miss any other
training letters, sign up below and collect five free power pulling
generic MLM autoresponder email messages for your recruiting or
drip list.


David Williams MLM Author Amazon and snake charmer

Monday, December 2, 2013

Want to know the only REAL way to help your MLM or Network Marketing team?

Guest Post by David Williams MLM Author Amazon

Want to know the only REAL way to help your team?

Normally I don’t like to dwell on the negative, but at the same time, if someone is your navigator and they don’t want to mention you’re heading for a cliff, well, let’s just say you better hire a ‘negative’ navigator.

It’s the same for being a mentor, nurturer, parent or leader.

There are times you must be serious with your team, and yourself.

So, now that Thanksgiving is over, and everyone is basking in family positivity, (I hope), I want to cover a key MLM or network marketing path to disaster if you fall victim to it.

It’s called motivating not training.

When someone in your team has problems, they don’t need motivation, they need you to show them where their problems are and then show them a training path for the solution.

How do you do that?

I’m going to show you something I learned in my first year of MLM that was such a powerful tool to reverse downline problems that I was totally awed by it.  It helped my team so much, earned them and me 10 times what we were earning prior to me putting it into practice.

Prior to learning this tool, whenever one of my team came to me saying ‘David, it’s not working for me’ I’d give my usual motivating speech, re-selling them on their ‘why’, their dream, the big picture, the size of the industry, about how going back to a JOB was just NOT what they wanted’.  This worked for a few days, but it did not last.  A few days later they were still suffering from whatever problem they had.

Usually, they did not know what their problem was, and neither did I.  Giving them a hot dose of motivation was great for a day or two, but then they were back to square one. 

So, what did I learn and what changed my approach?  And what works so well when you or a team member has a challenge in the business that can increase your earnings by ten times?

It’s finding out what the problem is and prescribing a curative.

Sounds easy, but it’s not, without using the following method to find the problem.

I’m going to make it simple, but you can break it down further if you need to.

First, set up a meeting with your team member that has the problem.

Now, when you set up this meeting with this person, tell them you are going to find and solve their ‘why it’s not working for you’ problem.  Assure them of that.

Be sure you have them bring their daytimer (if they are old school) or laptop (and meet where there is Wi-Fi so you can log into their back office, or if it’s an out of town or out of country member of your downline, perhaps use Skype and have them share their screen with you).  You will see why soon.

Now, at the meeting, you explain you are going to pinpoint the problem, offer a solution, and they will find success.  Explain you aren’t going to sell them on anything, that this is a REAL business meeting, not a motivational one.  Tell them ‘that by the end of this meeting YOU will know what you are doing wrong, and you will know how to correct that action.’

To me, that IS motivating!

First question is to have you team member look at their records and go through them, and add up how many leads or prospects they had in the last 30 days.

Often they will redden, but have them give you a definite number.

You will learn right here if his prospect numbers are really low, that is the problem right there.  They are in lead scarcity, not lead abundance.  You can show them the number of leads you go through and get them on a new recruiting system or lead source to answer this problem.  If this is the problem, you skip to the training/change part of this method, below.

Next, if the number of leads is solid, you want to see how many of those prospects went through the first stage of your ‘system’, (could be an opportunity meeting, conference call, webinar, whatever you do in your company as your first main exposure).

You are looking to see how good your person is at getting a prospect to a call, or to a meeting,

Now, if the number of leads is high, and they contact them, and still can’t get them to attend a presentation, you know they are not yet proficient on the phone.  They need training on how to speak, present, their confidence on the phone, etc.

Put them on a training for that.

If they can’t even reach their leads, you know they are either lazy or those leads are junk.  You can determine that, and act accordingly, (better leads, or explain to your team member they will have to prospect their leads, not wait for their leads to call them, lazy people have lazy bank accounts).

If these factors are solid, i.e. leads and getting people to presentations are high, your next step is concerning their follow up skills.

How many prospects did you follow up with?  If high, move on, if low, prescribe a training on how to follow up.

If they follow up and don’t make enough sales or sign ups, then you know they can’t close well, and you can set up a training on closing for them.

Just keep going over your own system, finding if the numbers are high, and the action taken on the numbers is a quality one.

If the numbers are low, they need more leads, if the conversions are low, they need to get better at a particular part of building an MLM business, (prospecting calls, follow up calls, closing calls, etc.). 

I’ll bet there are trainings in your company for each of these areas that you can have them tap into.  I don’t mean you should be doing one on one trainings to deal with any of these things.  If you find you must do the training yourself, you should do it as a group, either in a classroom setting or on a conference call and record it for those who need it later. 

Or, invite a guest trainer, someone in your upline or sideline that is good at whatever it is that your people need.

Sometimes a different voice from yours works better – no one is a prophet in their own village, (an expert is someone with an accent – i.e. someone different).

You can return the favor as a guest trainer for their team.  Just be sure they only train on what you need, not a ‘different’ system or something that will confuse the issue.

This is another reason for you to never stop recruiting and building.  When you see or meet with your team member, show them YOUR numbers, let them see what YOU do, this is what we mean by leading by example.

Know your numbers and know the numbers, or ratios, of your key team members, and you will always know where bottlenecks are.

Happy Recruiting!

I’m David Williams MLM Author Amazon, and I will only show you what works and what I’ve done. 

Check out my books:
If you haven’t got your five free email autoresponder messages, get them here:

Best for success to you, I believe in MLM and if you work the numbers, I believe in you!

David Williams

P.S. I have a lot of good training coming soon in this training-letter, do your downline a favor and forward this email to them.  I don’t pitch any program, this is all about the industry: honest and integral training and consulting.

Having challenges in your network marketing or MLM business?  It’s not easy to build a business without the right training.  Prospecting is hard if you don’t how to find leads, or know what to say, or what to do next.  What’s the answer?  Another $1000 boot-camp?  No.  Before you spend your cash on another big event, invest in a few key books by MLM consultant, guru, trainer and top earner David Williams.  (pause) David Williams MLM Author Amazon.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

How soon should YOU start your own MLM or Network Marketing team? Is it right to break up your uplines group into your own?

Guest Blog Post by: 

David Williams MLM Author Amazon

This post on team leaders in MLM is generic, I don’t pitch any company, and all my tactics will work for any program. 

I remember being in trainings.  Those big event type trainings, where you might drive for a day and a half, or fly into a new city.  I was a newbie and just trying to figure it all out.

Someone said MLM was simple, but not easy.

That’s for sure.

The first thing I learned was to pretend my sponsor did not exist.

Actually, I don’t think I learned that, I just sort of figured it out.

There was nothing wrong with him.  He was a great trainer, had practical answers for most of my newbie questions, and I learned a lot from him.

But I knew right away, because he was so good and well trained, anyone I brought in would see him as their natural leader, and not me.

Somehow I realized if I was to succeed in this industry, ‘I’ would have to be a leader.  ‘I’ would have to be the ‘go to guy’ for my team.  I needed to take charge.

So much so, that later, I would teach this very thing to my team:

1)   Look to not be part of a team, but to build/lead a team, (if you are ‘just’ part of someone else’s team, you are not building your own)

2)   Take care of all those in your team, and then watch (without your ego) as your top people develop their teams too! 

Some people have asked me what about the feelings of the original team leader that you learned from?  Are they happy to see a large chunk of their team split off to work on their own?

Take a look at that from their point of view.

What would you rather have?  A flock of followers (which you will always have in your team) or, a flock of followers, and one of them takes leadership and starts duplicating you, brining you in a solid 4 or 5 figures per month, freeing your time to do more?

It’s the old MLM saying, ‘you make more money from the back of the room’.

This means getting your people up doing meetings, doing conference calls, webinars, taking action, etc.  This is what we mean in MLM when we speak of duplicating yourself.  If you are at the back of the room, your people are at the front.

Now, at the same time, we need to lead by example. 

Never stop recruiting.


I remember one of my team leaders, someone who had established himself well, and was earning 4 figures per month.  He came to me and asked me why, after I had reached the top position in our company pay structure, I still ‘had’ to recruit? 

He was worried that if I still had to recruit, and could not just live off of the residual income, would he still have to recruit too once he ‘arrived’?

I thought about what he was asking.

I asked him a question, ‘What is my key mantra?’

‘People do what you do.’

‘Right’ I told him.  People do what you do. 

So would he like me to show up to his meetings as a guest speaker talking about my recruiting, leading by example with a guest in tow, or just come into town, talk about my experiences years ago, and tell people to get out there and sell some more products so I could earn more residuals?

He got the message and I noticed his monthly sponsoring increased.

By speaking of what I do, not what I did, I was leading by example.  I told people I get ‘no’s’ too on the phone.  I told them that my prospects did not care how much I made last month, that my prospects did not show up on conference calls, that they deleted my emails, blocked my calls, etc. 

I was just like them. 

There is no magic dust. 

It’s all about sponsoring and recruiting and leadership.

People like to be lead by those they trust.  They trust those who walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

So, what are the two key points for this message are:

Make the decision to become a leader and take action AS a leader as fast as you can in your MLM career

Never stop sponsoring/recruiting – and let people see it

Become the upline you wished you had!

Pass this email on to your team.  Let them see that YOU are forwarding it to them.  YOU are keeping them up to date with info, not someone ‘above’ you. 

Why?  Because you are their leader.

Check out my books:
If you haven’t got your five free email autoresponder messages, get them here:

Network marketing leads, templates, scripts, lists

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Why MLM and Network Marketing is the future...

The dinosaurs are scratching their heads…

There is a perfect storm of factors that are overlapping each other to make 2014 and beyond picture-perfect for network marketing.  This is the time to get into it.

You, no matter what company you are in, are in one of the most profitable industries for next year.  You are in a boat that will ride this tide high for the decade.

Let me tell you why.

The dinosaurs are scratching their heads.  Television is changing in ways that will create a disaster for traditional advertising.  Anyone who has smart TV will be fast forwarding or zapping through annoying ads. 

Magazines are now going digital, once again, with a flick of a finger you change the page and an ad disappears. 

Newspapers?  They are fighting for their very lives.  Their blood is advertising dollars and its disappearing faster than Dexter Morgan’s enemies.

Netflix is creating their own programming and Hula and Amazon Prime are following suit. 

The bottom line is that traditional marketing is becoming extinct.  Businesses are hoping they can promote their products on the internet, but the internet changes so fast it’s hard to keep up.

Ten years ago there were no tablets.  Ten years ago MySpace was king. 

But some things don’t change.

Person to person marketing.

It’s dependable.

It’s real. 

It’s not virtual.

It does not rely on algorithms to make decisions on when or what to make presentations.  

It can follow up. 

It can deliver personalized testimonials. 

Person to Person marketing trumps anything on the Internet. 

Once the internet was manageable for us.  Within the last ten years it is unmanageable. 

Facebook, Pinterest, Google Plus, blog posts, the cloud, iPods, iPads, smart watches, email, facetime, skype, pay-per-click, YouTube, seo, smartphones, smartTV, xbox… etc.  It’s as confusing as Googles’ Terms and Conditions.

Person to Person marketing.

It works.

The internet is a tool, it’s not marketing. 

People buy, and they like to buy from people that they like and or trust.

Over the next ten years the internet will only become more diverse and broad (and confusing) with so many choices that a personal recommendation will make all the difference.

Use the internet as a tool, but don’t forget your biggest asset is person to person marketing.

That is why Wall Street loves network marketing companies. 

There is no one on Wall Street who would say, with 100% certainty, that Facebook will be around in 2024, (ten years from now), but there is not anyone on Wall Street who would say that Amway will not. 

The internet will be here, and Amway will be here.  Facebook?  Who knows?  But person to person marketing is here to stay, and you will reap great rewards if you stick with your company, build your team, and never stop sponsoring.

If you are seeking some free ideas on recruiting and prospecting, take a look at my book How to Prospect and Recruit using Postcards for your MLM or Network Marketing Business The Low cost Prospecting and Recruiting Tool that Out Performs Online Methods.

Take care and happy sponsoring! 

Hey, get five free MLM autoresponder messages for your drip list, 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

New MLM Network Marketing Email Autoresponder Pack is published by David Williams - These are all Nutritional Based for Wellness MLM companies

This new book by David Williams contains 30 professionally written email messages that you can use in your MLM drip campaign.  They are 30 powerful, engaging and entertaining persuasive email/autoresponder messages that focus on the wellness industry. 

If any of your products include wellness, nutritional or related products, this drip list campaign will engage your prospect and have them calling you to join.

Like William's other email autoresponder messages, these autoresponder messages contain humor, personality, but are wellness/health/nutritional based. 

They are great for the prospect who appreciates wellness or nutrition as a cause & as vehicle for making money.  These email messages assume that your prospect likes to ‘help’ people and has an interest in seeing health improved. 

If you have leads interested in nutrition MLMs, or wellness, or have some kind of prospecting campaign that relates to diet, vitamins, wellness, etc, these emails are for you. 

The emails do contain references to the size of the wellness industry and some discussion of its huge growth in the coming years, but in a personal and friendly manner. No dry statistics or hiding the fact that this is a MLM or networking opportunity. 

Each email ends with asking the prospect to 'call you right now' as the call to action.